Meet the Team

Registry National Coordinator – Dr Jodie Ingles, MPH PhD BBiomedSci GradDipGenCouns
Research Officer / Assoc Genetic Counsellor
Agnes Ginges Centre for Molecular Cardiology, Centenary Institute

As the National Coordinator, Dr Jodie Ingles is the driving force behind the Registry and started this research initiative in 2007 as part of her PhD, which was awarded in December 2011. She has a background in genetic counselling and is based in the Molecular Cardiology Research Program at Sydney’s Centenary Institute. Dr Ingles’ research focus is aimed at better understanding the psychosocial and management challenges surrounding genetic heart disease families. Along with Professor Chris Semsarian and the Registry’s Advisory Committee, Dr Ingles continues to manage the Registry and contact all of the families who have enrolled.

Registry Advisory Committee

In accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Guidelines for Genetic Registers and Associated Genetic Material, the Australian Genetic Heart Disease Registry is governed by an Advisory Committee. This committee comprises investigators from all major recruiting centres, the Registry Coordinator and a patient representative.

The Registry Advisory Committee oversees all decisions relating to the functioning of the Registry, and approves any research to be carried out using Registry data.

The committee includes:

Prof Chris Semsarian
Chair, Registry Advisory Committee
Program Head, Agnes Ginges Centre for Molecular Cardiology, Centenary Institute
Molecular Cardiologist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
Professor of Medicine, University of Sydney


Dr Jodie Ingles
National Coordinator

Tel: 02 9565 6293

A/Prof John Atherton
Director of Cardiology, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital

A/Prof Julie McGaughran
Medical Director, Genetic Health QLD, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital

Dr Robert Weintraub
Paediatric Cardiologist, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne

Dr Andrew Davis
Paediatriac Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne

A/Prof Jitendra Vohra
Cardiologist, Royal Melbourne Hospital

A/Prof Don McTaggart
Cardiac Specialist, Launceston General Hospital
Associate Professor, University of Tasmania

Mel Keding
Patient Representative

Mel is a Sunshine Coast native who studied journalism but she currently resides and works in NSW’s Hunter Valley coordinating training and ensuring best practice across sites with Rio Tinto Coal Australia.